EPI Challenge For You

An Authentic Science Research Experience for High School Students


Epi Challenge Schedule

June 23-27, 2014   9 AM – 5 PM  [COMPLETED]
   Epi Challenge Summer Training
   Penn State Hershey Medical Center Campus
   University Conference Center, 302 A-C

Sophomore Year of High School
   Epi Challenge team meetings with coaches at your school, either
   during the school day or after school, depending on your school

February 3, 2015   9:30AM - 1:30 PM
   EPI Challenge Research Symposium  [COMPLETED]
   Penn State Hershey Medical Center Campus
   Junker Auditorium

June 15-17 2015
   EPI Challenge Presentations and Gala  [COMPLETED]
   Penn State Hershey Medical Center Campus