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Do you have examples of your own?
Please send them to John Huebner:

Create new curricula and enhance existing curricula

Units integrated into science classes

"Detectives in the Classroom en espanol" - Translation and interpreting in Spanish Program, Montclair State University, NJ
Maria Jose Barcia Vizcaino, Director
See   Movement Newsletter Article--Page 3
Contact Email:   garciavizcam@mail.montclair.edu

"Real-time infectious disease outbreak simulations" - Exercises for grades 6-12 classrooms in Winnepeg, Canada.
Contact Email:   Brian Szklarczyk - brian@nml.ca

"Detectives in the Classroom" - An epidemiology curriculum pilot-tested in Paterson and Montclair NJ and field-tested in Paterson NJ middle schools.
Contact Email:   Mark Kaelin - kaelinm@mail.montclair.edu
Contact Email:   Wendy Huebner - wwhuebner@yahoo.com
Website:   http://www.montclair.edu/detectives

Web-based programs

"EXCITE" - CDC website for students and teachers, widely utilized.
Contact Email:   Ralph Cordell - rzc4@cdc.gov
Website:    http://www.cdc.gov/excite

YES Teaching Modules - Downloadable instructional units for teachers in Grades 9 - 12.
Contact Email:   Mark Kaelin - kaelinm@mail.montclair.edu
Website:   http://www.montclair.edu/detectives/YES

Weekend/summer programs

CDC summer student interns - Office of Minority Health program.
Contact Email:   OMH@cdc.gov
Website:   http://www.cdc.gov/omh/Highlights/2005/HSept205.htm

University-based programs

Epidemiology Education Partnership - Students and teachers from several New Jersey high schools attend a Montclair State University course entitled "The Science of Public Health--Epidemiology."
Contact Email:    Mark Kaelin - kaelinm@mail.montclair.edu